Clinical Psychologist -
At Sophie Burren Psychology we accept Mental Health Treatment Plan (MHTP) referrals from GP's, and Psychiatrists under the Medicare Better Access Scheme; we also welcome referrals from other allied health professionals and services on behalf of a client where a MHTP is not required, to assist clients to access services.
Additionally this practice welcomes self referral from clients who may be trying to find a good fit, or who are looking for guidance and advice around what their options are for accessing services. Please find below further information and documents to assist with accessing services.
Client Information Brochure
Client information brochure 2024, services and clients are welcome to download, print, and distribute as needed.
Printable PDF - SB Psychology Brochure
Please note the information, layout, and design of this document is the property of Sophie Burren Psychology and reproduction outside of its intended use is not permitted.
GP Referral Form
This practice welcomes referrals from GP's and Psychiatrists utilising the attached referral form, or general referral letters that include the information requested in this form.
Please note the information, layout, and design of this document is the property of Sophie Burren Psychology and reproduction outside of its intended use is not permitted.
GP Information Letter - MHTP Referrals
There have been many changes to the Medicare Better Access Scheme process, and what constitutes a valid referral for accessing psychological supports in the last few years. We know how difficult and time consuming this can be for doctors, who are at the front line of supporting clients to access these services. Therefore, we developed this document to outline what we as the psychologist need from your referral to be Medicare compliant, and for us to be able to see your patients under the Medicare Better Access Scheme.
GP Information Letter - MHTP Referrals
Please note the information, layout, and design of this document is the property of Sophie Burren Psychology and reproduction outside of its intended use is not permitted.